After I printed my book: PANDEMIC!

After I printed my book: PANDEMIC!

Whew, what a year. Cause no one ever said that since February (January?) 2020.

(Skip the words, buy the book.)

What the heck happened? I last posted here about my book in December of 2019 (except for the podcast which, if you haven’t, you should). THAT WAS A DIFFERENT WORLD. It was, for one, the day I launched my book. As in, it was on sale, via Blurb. We didn't wear masks, we hugged A LOT, we had parties and ate and drank together in bars and coffee shops and, on the best of days, hung out within two feet of each other. Or less. And it was glorious. It was also nearly a year ago. Which makes me wordless. Speechless. In light of the infinite amount of points of discussion boiling to the surface this past year (dare I say, "unprecedented") I'm just going to skip ahead to now. More on all that we’ve {fill in the blank} later (can’t refuse the challenge of a good existential essay).

Mostly, I Just Miss My Nipples is nearly a YEAR OLD! We've sold 103 books since December and split $607 in profits* between Stand Up To Cancer and The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. More importantly: the reviews! So many happy thoughts and kind, heartfelt words of thanks from readers via all different types of media (from the socials to texts to handwritten notes via the USPS) and praise for both the experiences described and the words I used to describe them. Even from people I don't know! Most recently, at my greatly delayed yearly oncology appointment, my wonderful doctor sat me down, looked deep into my eyes, and told me with great seriousness how much she loved Mostly, I Just Miss My Nipples. Speechless and overwhelmed, I immediately forgot to ask her to write something up and send it to me and if I could quote her and all of that important book marketing stuff — which basically sums up the year for me and my book. I did manage to save the email my plastic surgeon, Dr. David Kulber sent:

"It is a beautiful book on every level, and be sure I will recommend it to all of my cancer patients. I loved my chapter." (Chapter 39, "Best. Doctor. Ever.")

After reading that, I'm sure you are now in dire need of owning a SIGNED paper back copy of Mostly, I Just Miss My Nipples for the very reasonable price of $24 (including shipping). Because I ordered 100 copies to mail to doctors, NPOs, etc, and to use at live book readings (oops), I have about 60 copies here in the house that I will sign for you and mail to you. As before, all of the profits will go directly to the people saving lives. IF you want several copies, say, for your Zoom book club, or stocking stuffers, or that special friend who was just diagnosed or needs a good laugh (yep, people still get cancer during a pandemic), let me know and I'll package thusly.



Forced smiling works.

Forced smiling works.

I was on the Nice Work Podcast

I was on the Nice Work Podcast